Dominion Chapter No. CJ9 Officers.
President: Kostas Arapis
Vice-President: Tasos Kangles
Secretary: Ken Pontikes
Treasurer: Manolis Barlas
Chaplain: Larry Kowalchuck
Warden: Mike Katsiris
Captain of the Guard: Simon Papdopoulos
Board of Governors: Gerry Lagimodiere (Chair), John Arvanitis, George Katselis
December 06, 2016
AHEPA Dominion Chapter CJ9
President’s Message 2017
Dear Brothers and Guests,
Welcome to our first regular meeting of our rejuvenated Dominion Chapter No. CJ9 of the Order of AHEPA. Let us rise and in silence remember our departed Brothers, parents and loved ones whom are no longer with us.
Since 1922 the Order of AHEPA has been protecting and promoting the interests and the values of Hellenism in North America. The Order staved off persecution and discrimination of Greek immigrants in the early days. It has survived through the Great Depression, the Second War, the post war conflicts and all the major changes in our society over the last 95 years. AHEPA has also supported our Motherland in multiple ways. Examples of the Order’s good will are the two AHEPA built Hospitals in Greece, one in Thessaloniki and one in Tripoli. Several Greek Orthodox Churches (including ours here in Saskatoon) were built by AHEPA’s contributions as our Order does believe and does support the other pillar of our proud heritage, our Christian Faith. AHEPA has been a staunch lobbyist of the interests of our Brothers and Sisters here in Americas and of the interests of our Motherland.
Today, our society and our brethren are faced with different challenges. Drug addictions, changes of societal values, rapidly changing technology and the use social media, depletion of our vital resources, overpopulation and environmental distraction are just a few of the challenges we are faced with. In this changing world AHEPA is the safe harbor for our brethren. Through our common shared values a brother can find support, assistance and comradery. Share your success with your brothers, but also, don’t be afraid to confide with your brother about your pain or your fear. Speak to one when confronted with challenges of health, family, finances and business. We are here to help one another while at the same time we respect the privacy of our brothers and our discussions.
This Chapter is reinvigorated after 12 or 13 years of dormancy. Our Chapter and this President’s goal is to unite and to protect our community, to support the Greek School and the welfare of our community members and non-members at large. We aim to attract new members of different disciplines to build our Chapter with talent, wisdom, youth and plurality. I value your guidance and your support to attaining these objectives.
We are here to do good for the Order, for our community and for us as individuals to grow and to spiritually become enriched with the everlasting values of Hellenism.
I look forward to humbly serve our Chapter and to lead us to success and many proud accomplishments.
With fraternal love,
Kostas G. Arapis